Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For Legal Reasons . . . .

Afternoon, ladies and gents. Boredom is at an extreme today . . . I'm waiting to do an inter-timezone interview for an article, with nothing to do in the meantime. At least the mock-lockdown broke up the mid-morning monotony. Have a good one; y'all come back now, y'hear?


  1. Are these characters based loosely on anybody in particular? Love the strips fyi... keep them coming...

  2. Loosely, yes - mostly just people we observe, or some of our closer friends. Dustin is just Dustin, though - he's pure Mel-and-Cece's-joint-imagination.

    Glad you enjoy the strips, wildcardlosang - don't forget to tell your friends! =D

    ~Mel and Cece

  3. Apart from what Mel has said, I'm glad you like the scripts! We put a lot of thought into this baby and I'm glad someone finally sent us a comment.

    Thank you,
    Cece Y.
